Supplies Orders

The Supplies Orders page shows ready-to-submit orders for each of your customers that require ink/toner or media.

When you submit an order, a notification is sent to your fulfillment department to ship the order to your customer. Click here to learn about setting up a fulfillment department notification account in Printerpoint.


If you have Ink Inventory configured for a printer, you’ll only see ink and toner when the on-site stock goes below your ordering threshold. If inventory is not configured, you’ll be notified every time a cartridge is low or empty.



The cartridge capacity will default to the size that is currently in the printer. You can select a different capacity, if available, from the dropdown, as well as change the quantity of cartridges to ship.


If Media Inventory is configured for a printer, you will also be notified when it is time to order a new roll of paper for your customer. Roll lengths for media are defined in the Inventory section of Printerpoint.




Removing an item

To remove an item from an order, click the “X” icon to the left, then click “Yes” on the “Are you sure” prompt.



Shipping Address

Each printer needs to have a shipping address so your fulfilment team gets notified where the order should be sent. If you don’t already have an address set up, you can configure this right on the order by clicking the “pencil” icon.



Submitting your order

Once everything looks good, click “Submit” and your fulfilment team is notified that the order is ready to go.


Reviewing past orders

Printerpoint keeps a record of all orders so you know what was submitted, by whom, and when. Orders are separated by customer.






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