Oce Total Counter missing or not updating

On some Oce Plotwave and Colorwave printers, there are some scenarios that can cause the total counter to not report correcty. 


SNMP protocol is disabled

Printerpoint uses several communication methods to retrieve different types of information from Oce printers. If the SNMP protocol is disabled on the printer, then Printerpoint will  be able to get information like monthly usage and job records, but will not record the total counter. 

In this case you may see a warning in Printerpoint that says Cannot read Total Counter - Check SNMP settings"

Solution: Enable the SNMP protocol in the printer's web admin tool


SNMP configuration has been corrupted

In certain firmware versions, the SNMP configuration can become corrupted and software like Printerpoint will be unable to read the total counter or other information. Canon has released updated firmware versions for many models that address this issue.

In this case you may see a warning in Printerpoint that says Cannot read Total Counter - Check SNMP settings"

Solution: Update the firmware to the following versions (or higher versions)

  • Colorwave 500: 4.3.2
  • Colorwave 3500/3600: 5.1.4
  • Plotwave 345/365/450/550: 1.2.3

Check with Canon for specific firmware versions if you have an affected printer not listed here.


Total Media Unit is set to Linear Feet/Meters

Oce printers can report the total counter in four different formats:

  1. Square Feet
  2. Square Meters
  3. Linear Feet
  4. Linear Meters

Printerpoint expects an area-based total counter for Oce printers. When the printer is set to report linear counter, Printerpoint will not display the total counter.

Solution: Change the Total Media Unit to Square Feet or Square Meters



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