Sending Meter Reads to e-automate

Printerpoint can send meter reads from any printer in Printerpoint directly to e-automate.

Meter reads can be manually or automatically sent to e-automate.

Clicking the “Send Meters Now” button will immediately attempt to send meters for all printers to e-automate. A progress dialog will be displayed showing the results.

Checking “Send meters to e-automate when due” will check e-automate nightly for any printers that have a due date within one day and send meter reads only for those printers.

Note: Printers that will have meters sent to e-automate must have the e-automate Equipment ID listed in the Printerpoint Asset ID Field, and the Meter Name must be mapped to an e-automate Meter Type.


To set Printer Asset ID:

  1. Go to Printer Details page for a printer
  2. Click “edit” icon next to Printer Details box
  3. Enter e-automate Equipment ID in Asset ID field
  4. Click OK


To  map Printerpoint Meter Names to e-automate Meter Type:

  1. Go to Billing page in Printerpoint
  2. Click “e-automate” icon on right navigation bar
  3. All possible Printerpoint Meter Names are listed. Click the dropdown next to the relevant meter names and choose the e-automate Meter Type you want to use for this meter


Note: Only the meter names you want to transfer to e-automate need to be mapped. 

For example, if you do not use Total Length as a meter type for any printers, you do not need to map it to an e-automate meter type.

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