Using the Interactive API Document

There are two “Get” commands to retrieve printer details and supply order information, and three “Post” commands to provide information about supply order fulfillment back to Printerpoint.

Your API token can be found by logging into your Printerpoint account as a user with Admin privileges and going to:

*My Account* (upper right)>*Account Settings*>*API Access*>*API token*

If you do not see this option in your account, request access from

For testing, the API has an interactive document generated through Swagger that shows the technical details of each command. The basic details can be accessed without logging in, but an API token is required to use Swagger with live Printerpoint data.

To use the API token for testing in Swagger, enter it as the username with no password. Testing the API using Swagger's “Try it out” feature makes actual API calls that affect your actual data (just as if you were calling the API from your own program). So you should either use a test account or avoid making changes you don't want applied to your data. 



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