Getting a list of approved orders
The Approved Orders endpoint returns a list of approved supply orders sorted by order number in ascending order. Up to N orders will be returned at a time and the 'next' link in the returned page can be used to get additional orders.
The order number and line item IDs can be used with other endpoints to make changes to the order. The line item ID should be treated as an opaque string and passed without parsing or modification to other endpoints.
Response sample:
"links": {
"next": ""
"results": [
"orderNumber": 1,
"createdOn": "2013-07-26T16:45:20.1234567Z",
"customerCompanyName": "Customer, Inc",
"customerCompanyId": "ABCZ586",
"approvedOn": "2013-07-26T19:45:20.1234567Z",
"approvalNote": "good to go",
"priority": "high",
"shippingAddress": {
"recipientName": "Rita Thompson",
"recipientCompanyName": "Customer, Inc",
"addressLine1": "123 First Street",
"addressLine2": null,
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "CA",
"zipCode": "94708",
"country": "USA"
"lineItems": [
"id": "abrt154",
"printerSerialNumber": "187SDFK1234JD",
"printerNickname": "My HP",
"sku": "SKU123",
"name": "Black Ink",
"quantity": 1,
"includedInContract": true
Posting approved order
The Mark as Posted endpoint allows marking approved order as posted. Order number is passed as a parameter appended to the endpoint URL. Once posted, it will change its status from Approved to Posted, and will be displayed as ‘Posted’ in Printerpoint Manager. The order will no longer be included in the list of Approved orders.
Response sample:
200 OK
Assigning a PO Number
The Assign PO Number endpoint allows assigning a PO number to order line items. The order number, line item IDs (from the approved-orders endpoint), and the PO number are passed as parameters as JSON in the request body. Any existing PO number assigned to the same line items is overwritten.
Request sample:
"orderNumber": 100,
"lineItemIds": [
"newPoNumber": "969358"
Response sample:
200 OK
Marking as Shipped
The Mark as Shipped endpoint allows marking line items as shipped. The order number, line item IDs (from the approved-orders endpoint), and the new shipping date and/or tracking number are passed as parameters as JSON in the request body. Any existing shipping date and/or tracking number assigned to the same line items is overwritten if a new value is specified.
The date+time format for newShippedOn is the ISO 8601 extended date+time format with optional fractional seconds. Examples:
The tracking number format is between 8 and 30 (inclusive) uppercase letters and/or numbers (lowercase letters are not allowed).
Request sample:
"orderNumber": 100,
"lineItemIds": [
"newShippedOn": "2013-07-26T16:45:20Z",
"newTrackingNumber": "999988887777"
Response sample:
200 OK