Printer Details Page

Printer Details gives you a variety of information about your printer in one place. Click on a printer in the left-hand column and you're presented with details specific to that printer. The Printer Details page provides printer-specific service, supply and billing information, along with some basic details about the printer.



Printer Details

The basics about your printer. You can edit the following fields:

  • Printer name - A nickname for you to identify the printer
  • IP address - The current IP address. Note: If your printer is using DHCP, we will update this field when we detect a change in the IP address.
  • Asset ID: Optional field to enter an asset tag number or other identifier. If you are integrating Printerpoint with an ERP or other outside system, use the same Asset ID across your systems to ensure information is transferred correctly.
  • Agent name: If you have more than one Printerpoint Agent installed at a customer's location, you can choose which agent communicates with your printer.
  • SNMP Community: The default community is "public". If your customer has a custom SNMP community, make sure to enter it here. Not all printers require SNMP connectivity, but many do.
  • Location: If your customer has more than one physical location where printers are installed, you can set the location name here. The location name is used for shipping addresses, service alerts and billing reports.
  • Notes: The notes field is free-form and can be used for contract details, region codes, or any other information that may be helpful for you and your team.

The following information is read from the printer and is not editable.

  • Hostname - If your printer is set up with a DNS hostname, we will report this name from your DNS server. If your printer is using DHCP instead of a static IP address, DNS is required.
  • Model - The printer's model name
  • Serial number - The printer's serial number
  • Firmware - The firmware version running on the printer
  • Total counter - Total lifetime paper usage of this printer. If your printer supports multiple counters for different print job types, media, ink, etc, only the "total" paper counter is displayed here. Detailed counters are found in the Billing section of Printerpoint
  • Last check in - How long it has been since Printerpoint received new information from this printer


Printer Status

The printer status section provides a quick view into the service health of your printer. Printerpoint displays any relevant service alerts here. Depending on the type of printer, we may include additional information like sleep status, recommended configuration changes, and maintenance kit replacement alerts.





The real power of Printerpoint comes with using Workflows to identify where your responsibility with this printer lies. 

Should you be notified about service alerts for this printer, or is it the customer's responsibility? Are supplies included in the contract? If so, do they get shipped from your company, or a distributor? And, should Printerpoint generate monthly invoices for you?

Workflows allow you to define exactly what happens when a printer needs something - whether it is service, supplies, or a monthly invoice. 




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