Network Considerations

The Printerpoint agent is installed on your customers' computers and transmits information about print usage to our cloud-based servers. While the amount of information that is transmitted is minimal and should not negatively impact your customers' network traffic, the following should be kept in mind.

Transmission frequency
Printerpoint transmits approximately 4KB of data from each printer about every 5 minutes.

Multiple offices
If your customer's printers are in multiple physical locations, we recommend installing a local Printerpoint agent in each office. Otherwise, the printer information from remote offices must first travel over the WAN between offices to the Printerpoint agent, and then again up to the cloud. By installing a local agent, the bandwidth usage will be cut in half.

IP connectivity
Printers must be connected by an IP port. Printers connected via USB or other direct cable connections are not supported.

Proxy servers

In most cases, the Printerpoint agent can communicate through firewalls and proxy servers without any changes. In some scenarios, a proxy exception may be needed to allow outbound traffic on port 443 to

The following URLs are used by the Printerpoint agent for communication:



Proxy credentials can also be defined directly in the Printerpoint agent configuration if required.


Network Scanning

Printerpoint has an optional feature to scan your customer's network for print devices. This feature will communicate with every IP address in a specific range that you provide. If a printer is found on any IP address in this range, we'll provide basic details such as make, model and serial number so you can decide if you want Printerpoint to monitor it.

We recommend contacting your customer prior to running a network scan. Some network devices, such as switches and routers, can log warnings or alerts when an application tries to communicate with them over certain protocols. Asking your customer for a specific network range to scan can eliminate these warnings. 

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